Hemp Foods and Beverages

Bring your Brand Alive with Hemp Yourself Elements
Our expert food and beverage technicians will guide through the complete range of Hemp Seed options to energise the marketing and assist you in designing a new range of products to enter into this new and exciting market. Hemp Yourself
Hemp oil is extracted from industrial hemp plant seeds and contains no psycoactive THC, the chemical that can make you feel high.
Our 100% Australian sourced hemp seed oils and powders can be expertily added to a range of foods, unlocking additional nutritional benefits
We work closely with your food designers and chefs to create a unique product to make you stand out from your competition. Join the Hemp Me revolution.
?What is Hemp Coffee
We all love real coffee, yet Hemp Coffee shines with it's unique subtle mellowness. With just the right amount of natural hemp included, you will adore the flavour along with the vast benefits of hemp. The Hemp coffee Co. roasts carefully chosen Arabica coffee beans, along with 100% organically grown Australian hemp seeds, before grinding each batch, to suit the method you choose to make your coffee. This is the nexus of Science and Art. Velvet smoothness accompanies majestic taste, whilst you benefit from the wonderful healthy virtues, that hemp brings. You can order our tantalizing Hemp Coffee in convenient biodegradable Pods and in 250g bags. Order both: For home and for work. Now you can now enjoy the of finest Hemp Coffee in the universe. Supply is limited. 

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A smooth Blend of fairtrade organic Robusta and Arabica coffee beans infused with the goodness of pure Australian Hemp.

15 Hemp Coffee Pods

250g Hemp Coffee Espresso Blend $19.95

45 Hemp Coffee Pods

  1. Cold Press Hemp Oils
    Dressings Tea Beverages
  2. Hemp Oil Nectar
    Cosmetics Vape Juice Moisturisers Creams Shampoo
  3. Roasted Hemp Seeds
    Chocolate Breakfast Smoothies Sprinkle on Cereals
  4. Nutritional and Energy Bars Salads
  5. Hemp Seed Hearts
    Breakfast Cooking
  6. Hemp Seed Flour
    Bakery Bread Cakes
  1. Cold Press Hemp Oils
  2. Hemp Oil Nectar
  3. Roasted Hemp Seeds
    Coffee and Salads
  4. Un Hulled Hemp Seed
  5. Hemp Seed Hearts
  6. Hemp Seed Flour
  1. Cold Press Hemp Oils
  2. Hemp Oil Nectar
  3. Roasted Hemp Seeds
    Coffee and Salads
  4. Un Hulled Hemp Seed
  5. Hemp Seed Hearts
  6. Hemp Seed Flour